
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 13th, 2022
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Orcust Mysterune

The gist is to use Orcust's counter trap, Dingirsu's protection, draw power and removal to support Mysterune, which is pretty weak in removal and negating. Vulnerable to maxx C, but very resistant against other handtraps.

Can go through 3-4 negates when going second if you have a good hand

. When going against another Mysterune and you're out of cards, you can attempt to do an infinite loop by Galetea+Cymbal->Knightmare Unicorn, Unicorn pop itself, then revive Galatea with Cymbal and recycle Cymbal with Galetea. This way you can loop with 1 card remaining in your deck forever. Note that this loop still dies to Runick Tip and Smitting

Replays will be uploaded later.

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