
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 16th, 2022
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is LabTwinth. This is a slower and more control playstyle since its uses a lot more traps to gain advantage with the Labrynth cards. The Field spell being able to rez the twin links allows you to only need to resolve the twins once so you can reduce the amount of main twin cards to fit in more traps. There are locks that need to be kept track like punishment locking from ED and Welcome Labrynth locking special from deck to fiends. The best opening hand for turn 1 is home/password and Arianna to get sunny out and search the field spell or Welcome Labrynth depending on the hand to set up multiple pops on the opponents turn. My fav play to make is to activate Lovely and when they try to target negate, chain challenge to link with Lovely to dodge and re summon the Lovely since challenge will activate the field spell to rez from GY.

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