Swordsoul Tenyi

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 14th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the deck I used in my final attempt to reach DLv MAX, I tried with floo and another Swordsoul build without much success. I was stuck in 17-20 for a few days until using this build, my original build was 44 (+2 Circle, +1 Blue Tenyi, +1 Desires, or different/more handtraps/boardbreakers), you wouldn't believe my bad luck, I bricked in ways I didn't thought was possible.

I decided to cut the circle package due bricking or never drawing into it when I needed it, and cut one desires due having innate ability of drawing desires from desires, it happen twice in one of my games :(

I run a halqdon package, I mostly used it to bait negates before doing regular combo, I found Protos and Chaofeng a bit weaker in this format since adventurer decks can play around them.

I think my luck finally changed a bit during my final climb as even after a 11 coin toss losses in a row, most of my opening hands had at least 2 handtraps and that was enough to stop most of adventurer combo decks.

The flex spot in the Extra Deck is Final Sigma this makes Floo free when going second if they don't have both barrier statue and Map, as you can make it easily with Chixiao + Longyuan or banishing blackout. They don't have an answer to it in the Main Deck 99% of the time and their Extra Deck answers can be countered.

The weaknesses of this deck is backrow, I just decided to take the L on them as If I add spell/trap removal it worsens the matchup against any other deck.

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