
Diamond V from on September 29th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If you hate flunder like me this is the go to deck to make them regret to play their deck ☺.

The Extra deck is flexible but N'tss and Five-Headed Dragon are almost mandatory if you run Dogmatika Punishment (you can run Fossil Machine Skull Wagon instead Fossil Warrior Skull Knight for a more budget build or both if you want more spell and trap removal)

The link slot are the most flexible so run it has you want their rarely comes out but phoenix because he can save the game by itself.

If you brick (yeah it can happend) Linkuriboh and Relinquished Anima can save you the game by normal summoning Subterror Fiendess.

Most of the replay are with my current decklist so you can get a rough idea how I play the deck

replay : 688-353-366

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