
Diamond V from on September 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Get your rituals out and eat away at your opponents extra deck.

Your extra deck is your resource and you get advantage from using it. Dogmatikalamity uses your extra deck as tribute material for your rituals, letting you search a Dogmatika card during the end phase if you used Titaniklad, search a ritual card with Herald, or pop a card with N'tss.

After you use Diviner, link her away for Almiraj so you can summon Ecclesia and search whatever you need. Link away Almiraj for Secure Gardna or use its effect to get it into the graveyard to summon Maximus and get do a lot of searching.

A Diviner that send Herald + Ecclesia = Baronne if you aren't locked out of your extra deck. It doesn't happen often so you can cut it if that's your preference.

You can play with ratios if you want. The only thing I might change is taking out a Punishment for another Maximus but it's fine as is. You can also replace Gardna with Ferrijit to cycle through your deck a bit more.


Replays: 492-397-389

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