Nurse Burn

Diamond V from on October 9th, 2022
cp-ur 180 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If you want some cheesy wins once in a while, this may be the deck for you. Difficulty - EASY

Disclaimer- This deck is not consistent and you will LOSE more than you win. But occasionally you will get lucky with your coin flips and OTK a couple games in a row in order to rank up. Play a lot of games and eventually you can break a tier.

How to play:

  • Pray you go first
  • Pray again that your opponent opens up with no hand traps for your draw cards or negates for your Nurse/Bad Reaction
  • Draw to get Nurse and/or Bad Reaction on the field along with 3 copies of either Gift Card/Tri-And-Guess/The Paths of Destiny. May need more if your opponent has more than 8000 LP. Ex: You gave opponent LP by using Upstart Goblin with no nurse on the field.
  • 1 Copy of 'Trap trick" can replace one of those cards in the combo (Ex: 1x Gift Card, 1x Tri-And-Guess, 1x Trap Trick) NOTE - Trap trick can only work if you have 2 copies of the desired card in your deck! Pot of Desires will sometimes banish enough copies of the traps to where you cannot use its effect
  • Make sure your activation confirmation is toggled "ON" so you can chain traps during opponents draw phase
  • Guess correctly any card type (XYZ/Synchro/Fusion) in their Extra Deck for Tri-And-Guess's effect to work. Hence why you run 1-15x of only link monsters in your extra deck. Fusion seems to be the best choice in high ranks due to current meta deck.
  • Play Alot
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