Swordsoul Tenyi

Diamond V from on May 27th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

One of the most fun decks I've played recently. Basically just plays like a standard Swordsoul deck, except you hope to draw in to Boss Stage or Terraforming so you can level-up your end boards.

I'm only running 1 Nidhogg and 1 Utgarda to reduce bricks. No Harr, unfortunately he isn't very good against Tearlament because both of his effects will send cards to the GY by effect, also Protos will lock you out of summoning him if you call DARK. If there was ever a deck to play The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul in this would be it, as playing your own field spells lets you keep the banish effect online consistently. Late game, if you already have a level 9 in the GY, Emergence turns into a 1 card Enterblathnir by searching Taia and then banishing Emergence to make Cloudcastle. Cerberus is specifically for Bagooska, in a deck with so many Tenyis you can often out it without using your normal summon thanks to this card.

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