
Diamond V from on March 31st, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The site will literally not allow me to add 2x Skill Drain because it's already implemented the coming banlist but yeah, the Gozen is supposed to be a second Skill Drain.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get Diamond 1 this season even though I came 1 win away from it twice on the last day. Just unfortunate.

This is the last list that I was playing trying to grind to get that point. I guess the only real changes I can think of would maybe be taking out the Strikes again for a third Arianna and a third Lord but there were a lot of times where Strike felt useful so it was hard to fully commit to that. There were a handful of games where I struggled to get to engine but not enough to were I really felt like I needed the third copies.

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Tried to save as many meta replays as I could. Ones at the top feature this list, ones near the bottom feature some older lists but should still be good gameplay in general.