
Diamond V from on June 18th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Branded in High Spirits Orcust list I've been messing arouns with.

I added Link Spider to make Galatea with the Girsu token, which has been coming up more now that it's at 2. Maybe there are other options, but there's not much to do with the token otherwise besides making I:P and the rare fusion or synchro with it.

Cartesia has been really nice, making a consistent way to bin orcusts along with Branded in High Spirits.

Chengying has been pretty good at helping clear boards despite not being dark.

Branded Regained has also been pretty good, but Branded Beast hasn't been relevant a single time for me.

Making Proskenion with the Granguignol has been pretty okay. I mostly like it against Tear, but it's also decent against Branded.

The Bystials have been really great in a lot of matchups, sometimes winning games by themselves, so I'm considering adding an extra copy of Baldrake or Saronir.

Scheiren has been pretty good as an extender. It's a free special summon that can pitch an Orcust from hand, and the mill is pretty nice.

All-in-all pretty happy with this list and can't wait to do some more testing.

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