
Diamond V from on July 9th, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

It's just monke flip floodgate, except it's fine because Dogmatika Charmers are cute.

You naturally should run N'tss (maybe even 2x), but I didn't have her so I made a budget extra deck with all Charmers and the Magistus equips for Zoroa. For the same reason of not enough dust I didn't include a second Luna, which should probably replace one of the Iris that can sometimes brick your hand.

For some slightly more interesting gameplay than just flipping Skill Drain, I saved a few public replays (ID: 656-579-406)

  • going 2nd vs. Tri-Zoo (5/7 @ plat 2)
  • going 2nd vs. DPE Pranks (6/7 @ plat 2)
  • going 2nd vs. Uhhh... P.U.N.K. DPE Invoked Swordsoul VFD Turbo I Guess (6/7 @ plat 1)
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