
Diamond V from on July 29th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Player ID: 522-377-755 Quite difficult to brick with this deck. The Juragedo's really help with getting an extra body onto the field and helping you finishes duels. Its battle effect comes up occasionally too, protecting Comica/Arlekino. Normal summon Ash+Arlekino equals Baronne de Fleur. Generally only done in games we are winning anyway, essentially locking your opponent out of a comeback. You can tinker with a lot of the 2 of's, of course some subjectivity here. We're mainly setting up Horror House and snatching our opponent's monsters with Faces. So long as we don't get our backrow wiped/we can target cards, we're oftentimes winning the duel. You basically shut your opponent down before they even start their main play. Managed a 14 duel win streak through Plat with this build. The extra deck isn't very important. Another bonus to teching Juragedo is that it helps with rank 4 plays, which do come up. If anything, I'd run 3 Baronne's (not practical) and 3 Redoer's/Bagooska's (the only rank 4's I really go into) so that you can guarantee these plays after using Extravagence. Once in a blue moon a link play might be viable. PETRNEDVED<3

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