
Diamond V from on January 16th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck looks like it wouldn’t work until you realize that Libromancer Fire is a 4 star Cyberse. Also Libromancer’s don’t use a normal summon so if you don’t open Circular you can use Fire + a normal summon 4 star to make Alembertian and start extending your plays.

If everything works out you have Libromancer Doombroker with Intervention (the omni-negate trap), Firewall Dragon Darkfluid (or Apollous), and Superfactoral at the start of your opponent’s turn.

Shout out to Conman for the deck list. 90% of this deck is their’s and I just made some small alterations.

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