
Diamond V from on January 15th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tbh I always end up tweaking again and again my Flu deck but this is the version that brought me to D5. Now to climb to D1 probably I'll need to tweak it again. Gameplay is quite much the same so I'll instead comment on some of my card choices and propotions:

  • Ash and Maxx C I cut copies mostly to make room for other cards but in the end I don't feel I miss them so much. Especially Ash as Floo can interrupt and stop plays in opponent's turn without it. Also I run Cursed Seal to shutdown completely cards that normally I would keep my Ash for.

  • D Shifter 2 copies instead of 3 because most of the times it's only useful drawing it first turn and for the rest of the game is just a dead draw. But I want it in my starting hand more often than it'd show up with running just 1. So 2 is the perfect balance.

  • Sacred Lands It's quite situational and you can totally play the deck without it and make room for something better (I'm considering this too). It can help in making plays with hands that otherwise would be dead. For example you can make Empen with just Eglen. Also with good hand you can bring double Empen or Empen and Apex first turn.

  • Feather Storm Do I really need to explain how busted this card is?

  • Cursed Seal Having the ability to shutdown Branded Fusion or Fountain for the duration of the duel is insane. Just keep in mind to keep a spell in hand. Preferably discard a Floo spell as they are recyclable.

I use ED just as fodder for Pots.

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