
Diamond V from on January 12th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

It has taken a thousand years of suffering to finally have Rex and not be playing this deck with a limp. Pre-Rex the Soul of the Supreme King was a big part of the plan and salvaged wins. Post-Rex, I'm not 100% sold that it's the best version or worth including compared to +2 traps and 4 ED slots, but it got me this far so who knows.

Has a lot of burst and interaction points. While it's true you are aiming to autopilot into Rex and find out if your opponent has time to read or not, every other aspect of the deck is a bunch of thinking. I lose a lot of duels thinking about how I could have run a negate later or earlier, should've done this. Different from running combo lines or flipping floodgates.

Noticed a typo though, I believe it's morphin time. Not really sure what this morbin is, who knows.

Added replays if you want to see it in action against things like Runick, Spell Striker, Mathmech, Tenyi: 302-146-381

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