Fortune Lady

Diamond V from on February 28th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Personal Troubles:

Ever since I got the Fortune Lady cards last Theme Chronicle for another Quintet Turbo variant, I've been testing out different Fortune Lady variants for the whole month but to no avail due to Mathmech prevalence during the 1st half & Mysterune-Splight domination during the 2nd half.

This one doesn't really fare well against the current top tier decks but it's really rewarding & fun to accomplish (like with Bishbaalkin Turbo).

Generally, I don't recommend playing & crafting Fortune Ladies (or even spend URs for the FL spells) not until we get the future Chaos support cards (from PHHY) which will make the Fortune Lady Synchro variant viable & competitive. (I'm playing it irl & Vernalizer-Madolche-Ishizu is my other main deck in the current OCG format.)

Also, in exchange for fun, you need to grind for the whole month against countless Splights and PUNKs. So why play this when you can easily climb to D1 with Mysterune-Splight, right? Probably had over 300+ losses in Platinum because I mostly scoop once the FTK line gets choked (and my opponent scoops when they're down to 4000 LP or less).

Still, while waiting for Tearalaments release, I'd be playing Fortune Ladies on my main account rather than joining the Splight bandwagon. Although I already have Splight Elf reserved for Tears too. On my alt accounts, I still play relevant decks like Exosister, Endymion, Despia & PUNK on the ladder to keep my sanity in check. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

FTK Lines:

Most usual lines can be seen in the demonstrations below (as its hard to show a proper FTK when done properly without anyone scooping). Main concept is to Synchro Summon using FL Past + FL Water & recycle them through De-Synchro then use Normal Spell Cards while Eradicator Warlock is on the field to inflict 1000 LP Burn DMG per activation.

Thanks to the release of IoC, Warlock is easily searchable now & Fortune Lady variants gain boosted draw power. You can send Fortune Vision and/or other unneeded spell(s) to the GY for more draws.

Can also play through Ash but coupled with other prominent hand traps (Impermanence / Veiler on Warlock + Droll) easily ends your turn - just like with most FTKs in general. Nibiru is also to watch out for especially if the opponent is toggling off.

A single copy for each Synchro monsters is sufficient enough. Lady Every, PEP, Blood Rose & Wolfflyer are not necessary. Though I've been using them when switching back to the standard FL Synchro variant.

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My Demonstrations (γƒ‡γƒ’γƒ³γ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ¬γƒΌγ‚·γƒ§γƒ³):

Big shoutout to:

  • Ch. デγƒ₯γ‚¨γƒ«γ«θ„³γŒζ”―ι…γ•γ‚Œγ¦γ„γ‚‹η”· (YT) for the idea
  • Ch. γƒŽγ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ©γƒ€γƒ γ‚Ή (Bilibili) for the goods