Earth Machine

Diamond V from on February 26th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm back again with an updated version of my Metalcruncher/Dozer Control Earth Machine deck. For reference here is my list from last month:'ssix/oncwb

The list basically functions the same as before except I removed some of the main deck monsters for additional board-breaking cards. The biggest problem with this deck is the Metalcruncher core requires 3 Dozers and Regulus to function properly, so there's little room for hand traps and techs. With that being said, unlike Gearframe builds, this deck runs all EARTH in the main deck and has significantly more room in the ED, which lets it make use of a few distinguishing strategies I added this season:

  • Gozen Match: I'm currently running Gozen at 1 because the deck already bricks enough as is, but this could easily be bumped to 2. Going first against Mathmech or pure Spright this card is basically an auto-win if they don't have the out.

  • Ultimate Slayer: This felt like a no-brainer add because I hardly ever summoned the rank 9 last season, so I basically had a free slot for N'tss. Not only does Slayer let you completely blow out Floodgate Runick and Branded Despia boards, but clearing a 4 mat Zeus or Spright Elf while also getting a River Stormer or Anger Knuckle to grave is just free value.

That's pretty much it, I found 42 cards to be the best balance for drawing playable hands, but I tested it up to 44 and it still felt pretty good. If you want to play it feel free to experiment with the ratios and techs.

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Unfortunately I didn't really save a lot replays, but I do have a funny one where I droplet for 3 to OTK a full Swordsoul board: 276-333-766