
Diamond V from on December 23rd, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 840
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I would probably do 3 hugin if i had a 3rd one. the non runick extra deck monsters are obviously for ultimate slayer. while n'tss and omega are totally fine, the others are just fodder because i dont have any good ones. Go on google and find which are the best ultimate slayer targets and pick your poison.

main deck notes:

3 field 3 tip is mandatory 3 flash is applicable everywhere besides floo 3 destruction because it was always applicable for me, though i can see the validity of an argument for 2 3 freezing chains because imperm, though keep in mind this cannot be used for its effect negation purposes if skill drain is active 3 slumber cause its very easy to activate either eff also its a stall card 1-1-1 smiting droplet and dispelling though u could mess around a bit with these ratios. 1 allue mainly for the mirror or as a target to chain block with munin

pick your favourite floodgates and use them pick some going second cards and use them

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