
Diamond V from on August 31st, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 540
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I always go 2nd with this. Didn't use generic hand traps and floodgates as it clogs the deck (even more).

Replays during the Platinum to Diamond V climb:

Alternative engine I used during the climb (Charmer + Sky Striker Engine):

And of course, I've had many losses too:

Disclaimer: Just like with the other decks I always use, this one is inconsistent too because I combine archetypes and/or types that have synergy with one another. I played a Fortune Lady + Magician Girl before and managed to snag some wins during the past season but it's almost a 90% lose rate against the meta in late Platinum ranks. Although, Quintet Turbo with that was fun.

It took a lot of patience (and a whole month) for me to climb with this one on my Spellcasters-type account. Sometimes, you just gotta take the "lose more" approach and be good to other matchups as long as you're loving the deck you play. If you want to "win more" and that's your level of satisfaction in YGO then just play meta decks, easy as that. 😎

P.S. You can add whatever hand traps and floodgates you want. However, this is how I enjoy climbing with ExoCharmer.

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