
Diamond V from on April 8th, 2023
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The BETTER and more ACTUALLY BASED lvl 1 birds...

Pure Lyrilusc is Pure Cope, just play the tri-brigade version. Always go second, if you want to go first and keep it "pure" try out an adventure engine ig.

Also as a combo player, it physicaly hurt me everytime I won the coin toss, it took so much to not click go first.

As for the out of engine choices, I think nib is crazy right now, but I can see why you wouldn't want to play it, but never play dark ruler or evenly, Lyrilusc has absolutely no grind game, and so you want to OTK your opponent as fast as possible.

Crow is a funny search target for when you are forced to go first, bumping it up to 3 for "consistency" is fine, since it's a lvl 1 winged beast, and crowing a block dragon is the best feeling ever.

No bird strike cause that card sucks, realistically when are you gonna search that card? You first have to control a lyrilusc, and then you have to SPECIAL SUMMON a wagtail, and at that point if you're able to even special a wagtail, why not just get either a combo enabler in bird call, or an otk enabler like bird sanc?

Desires is there for consistency, it's the best pot card we can run, and cards like where arf though and wing requital both require on board prescnse which I don't like, especially when every other deck is trying to beat Spright.

Jack in the hand is the funniest card here, but it's literally just ROTA, you are always going to win, because all you need to otk is 2 birds, one searcher, and one that special summons (not named saphire). So getting either half from one card garunteed is absolutely insane.

No need for called by or crossout, everyone is running borad breakers rather than hand traps right now, so even if your opponent resolves maxx c on your turn, as long as you can play through and ash + their board, you win anyways.

For the extra deck, we have some space, but everything is neccessary except the fusion (if you don't want to use instant fusion), the knightmare phoenix, the 3rd recital starling isn't needed, but it's very nice for when you go into a grind game, and the 2nd nightingale is also not neccessary, but again it's good for the grind game.

That should be about it, have fun climbing ig.

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