Code Talker

Diamond I from on September 19th, 2022
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 750
43 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a going first code talker deck. Goal is to make full combo U-board (extra link) Iblee lock or short combo Firewall co-link Iblee lock.

The release of branded despia was a major indirect buff for this deck. Code talkers have an auto win match-up against them going first and have a decent match-up going second. Also branded is much easier to deal with than the combo decks of the previous format and it is not mandatory anymore to run 12 hand traps to have a chance going second. This is a big deal for this build because 3-6 hand traps can be cut now and it is overall much more efficient than last season.

I tested rivalry this season and it performed well. It allows you to not have to play into Maxx "C" and is a complete board lock with Iblee without even needing to get into Firewall for every deck except cyberse decks.

7 game streak. Went 16-4 in my last 20 games

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