
Diamond I from on May 15th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Tear everywhere we go.

Sofke's heatsoul list was nice enough to make me get off my Floo cope train for a bit.

I'll just go over my changes compared to his list.

-1 Less Laplacian, the card is awful into tear and you really don't need the extra one. This will go back to 2 when tear is hit and Kashtira come.

-Unicorn instead of IP, just more consistent in my opinion. I like it against rogue as well.

-Different Dimension Ground is the 4 mat Alembertian target. Grab it going first if you have enough mats for it. Its a bit harder to do so in this version of the list without the devotee/disciple package but parallel exceed puts in the work for this to be more common.

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