
Diamond I from on May 12th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

It’s old school Agents. Go first and you win. Go second and you lose. That being said, this format's ubiquitous weakness to Evenly Matched makes going second a lot easier, as Evenly + 1/2 handtraps can usually open up a combo line. I've played with swapping out the Called By's and Ash's for more anti-Tear techs, but I found this deck makes its money by poaching on the anti-Tear decks.

Tear - Kristya turbo isn't an auto-win because of Sulliek. You need Masterflare to banish the trap/field spell. Add a Herald of Arc Light and you've won the game.

Floo - Agents puts up too many negates for Floo to handle. If you get dimension shifter'd, make a Colossus and a Herald. Colossus disables most of Floo's bird, and Herald is just padding.

Exosister - Same as Floo, except under DS, making a 4-material Apollousa is more effective because Exo doesn't really chain block.

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ID: 262-100-758

The two most recent replays feature this deck. One is full combo, the other is a game against Tear.