
Diamond I from on July 12th, 2022
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 390
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is Live Twin...with a cat! A mostly pure variant of the Evil Twin that aims to convert an extender in hand into an omni-negate with Herald of the Arc Light. This is probably the best option if you are looking to end on a board with more disruption. I wouldn't say it's a necessary inclusion, but it definitely decided a lot of games on my climb.

I talked a big game about running three copies of Live Twin Home over Crossout Designator but unfortunately as long as Maxx "C" is in the game Crossout will always be the superior choice for playing through disruption.

There are many cards in this list that get shut down by Dimension Shifter but thankfully Floowandereeze bricks so much half the time they can't do anything even when you give them an extra turn.

I never really used Lyna this season in contrast to the last climb with Evil Twins. You could absolutely find something else to take its place. Still hoping for Dharc to come out soon!

I opted not to play Transcode Talker or Decode Talker Extended to make room for the Arc Light package. You still have a consistent turn 3 OTK without them by using Knightmare Unicorn and Unchained Abomination.

Ghost Ogre performed exceptionally well. I am really happy with my decision to play three copies. Stopping Fateful Adventure and the Floowandereeze Map field spell is huge. I also used it to "negate" a Chuche that was set to destroy VFD to ensure its effect went through for my Diamond 1 rank up game.

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