
Diamond I from on January 15th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 840
40 cards

Notes & Combos

✨⭐️✨ I D :091-690-479 ✨⭐️✨ Add Me


Admittedly Toon Control replays are a little boring as the intention is to break a board and floodgate your opponent out of the game. They also tend to be extremely one sided by either bricking and getting blown out or blowing your opponent out. But enjoy!! 😊

This list is a little awkward as the intention is to play as if you are a blind 2nd OTK deck, but you don’t have OTK potential due to the Toons built in summoning sickness. However, breaking a board with Lava Golem / Evenly followed by a single Toon summon + TCBOO or Kaiser is really strong. Despite the bulk going 2nd cards I do choose to go 1st when able just bc BLS or Barrel Dragon + Floodgate is often good enough to win.

I would strongly recommend trying this build as well as a going 1st build w/ 3x Toon Harpie + 3x Harpie’s Feather Storm as this can act as copies 2,3,4 of Called By as well as a single turn of locking your opponent from all monster effects. Other idea: use Galaxy Tomahawk turbo and do link spam plays.. This plan is obviously better but it isn’t really a Toon deck at that point.

This deck is very mid range so the “combos” are straight forward and not complex honestly. The extra deck is a bonus made to either make Zeus, or close games out with Red-Eyes Flare Metal. The rest can all be switched in and out, I will mention including Goddess however as this came up more than once for A.I. like matchups.

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