
Diamond I from on January 10th, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 900
45 cards

Notes & Combos

The list was originally from Jako1910 who was the 99th place finisher from the last Duelist Cup

The only significant change I made was dropping Runick Allure for Metalfoes Fusion. The ability for Metalfoes Fusion to replace itself as a free draw can be huge in the early game where you're trading resources with your opponent, whether its milled or discarded by Hugin. Unless you have Reasoning, you're almost always going to start with Hugin that there's even a case to play this card at 2 to see it more in your opening hand.

Cyber Stein was a card that I wanted to try out for fun after playing the original version with 3 Cyber Valley's. I can't say that it's definitively better or worse because I've not encountered games where it would have been the difference, but there are some theoretical benefits:

  1. Win-con in the mirror when you've milled to a low deck count due to randomness with Reasoning / Monster Gate (the original version needs to really balance deck count vs card advantage while comboing in the mirror)
  2. Being able to end on a boss monster when you get hit with Maxx C / Shifter going first

The deck is really fun but without practicing you will lose to the timer. You need to be familiar enough with the combo that when you're doing it you're on auto-pilot. A weird situation where you have to think about an optimal way out can still lead to losing to time. When you end your turn you'll want to have at least 70-80 seconds left to interact with your opponent's plays.

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