
Diamond I from on January 14th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 480
45 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck cannot break boards. Herald of the Orange Light and Maxx C are critical to halting the opponent's 1st turn development. Lancea will save you against Floo.

Against tower decks like Marincess and Ignister, Majesty Hyperion + Sanctuary in the Sky is amazing. You can usually OTK by crashing your Shine Balls into their boss monster.

Against Runick, Majesty Hyperion is also essential. Banishing the runick cards from the graveyard cripples their draw power. Masterflare Hyperion is also great at banishing the field spell.

Corobane and Loagaeth are interchangeable. Corobane is better if you brick and Loagaeth is better going second. I ran both because I'm indecisive.

Forbidden Droplet is the bane of this deck's existence. I found getting Trias Hierarchia in the grave is your best chance at recovering. Assuming they don't droplet Parshath (They usually don't) you can re-summon Kristya by tributing it.

Although vulnerable to handtraps, once the deck gets going it can make some truly unbreakable boards. Always prioritize bringing out Kristya. Kristya wins games by itself.

Last few replays were while I was laddering.

ID: 262-100-758

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