Thunder Dragon

Diamond I from on February 7th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The main goal turn 1 is to end on Colossus + Mirrorjade or Dragostapelia, in addition sometimes you can end also with:

  1. BiR to summon Chimera or a different fusion
  2. {Fairy Tail - Snow}

Some hands you will endup with a lot of GY fuel, that it's worth using Verte effect to summon Albion just to send Snow, as it gives more protection and you still likely to win even if they Nibiru.

Other notes:

  • Shrouded is to help with consistent and to get Albaz in GY for BiR. (Striker let's you link off Albaz).
  • BiR in is extra disruption, tool for grind games and also a way to extend or protect your Lubellion from target effects.

Tech choices:

  • 2 Droplets for versatility, and overall good vs both Mathmech and Swso as you can negate the whole board in one sweep and even during mid combo.

  • Called by and Crossout to protect my cards and often can be used as disruption (even more vs Despia since we share BF and BiR)

  • Ash is very generic and also can be used vs Maxx C.

  • 2x Maxx C as it resolves less, a lot of decks don't care about it and it's less useful going first.

  • Cosmic Cyclone to out Floodgates and force sets like called by, imperm, etc. While working vs Runicks.

  • Striker Dragon is only to make BiR live.

  • Goddess outs unaffected monsters and can be used in other situations, having materials for it might not be very easy but for it's purpose you can find time to gather them. Dharc helps with materials (Lyna can be another option).

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