
Diamond I from on February 10th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Mathmech Deck #1323

Everyone is playing this deck so I'll just explain a few of the differences that I have in my build.

-Why are you on Final Sigma and the multplication package?

Just a solid backup plan for OTKing boards since accesscode is very vulnerable. Also OTKs floo players that leave any small bird up. I have a very strong feeling that it's still not worth the 2 main deck and 1 extra deck slot for it. Go up to 3 small worlds and play heatsoul/a second accesscode talker if you're unsure about this choice.

-Why are you on Unicorn instead of Apollousa?

Apollousa I know is an FTK against many decks in the format (Swordsoul, Drytron, Floo, Adamancipator but I value the versatility that unicorn provides against more midrange/control decks that you tend to find on ladder ocassionally. If you prefer it, then it's by no means worse.

-No Heatsoul?

I love the card, but the math behind Heatsoul doesn't work well for it being more valuable than going I:P with a solid target. You're basically gambling to draw into more handtraps which as someone who Loved doing before with Heatsoul Control, still isn't the best idea.

It averages out to be 16 Handtraps you have to play in a 40 card deck for Heatsoul to be a match for I:P between the turn you summon it and on the enemy draw phase. (Source:Perico's Pinned Math in the Mathmech Channel). Obviously you'll get more value off Heatsoul if it lives one more turn after that, but you're probably winning already at that point.

You can argue having a backup plan is always nice if you're stunned out, but this deck can realistically play through so much and still full combo with an alright hand, so I rather not have that as a concern.


Small world bridge for almost anything. It's stat lines make it easy to access with almost any Mathmech for searchable backrow removal, using it as a bridge for Circular, and using it as a bridge for your monster handtraps.

Example for this

Small World Addition/Subtraction -> Eccentrick -> Ash Blossom/Belle/Veiler/Nibiru

Overall, the decks days are still very numbered until the Bysstials and Tearalements come, but I'm going to enjoy playing a top deck while I still can. I'm happy Konami gave this deck a lifeline that it never did in the TCG.

-Breakdown of Climb

107-79 (40-26 from Plat to Diamond)

48 Mathmech

27 Runick

20 Swordsoul Tenyi

10 Adamnacipator

9 Floowandereeze

9 Branded Despia

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Replays (Some of the replays do have Cosmic cyclone still in here, I took it out as I climbed higher on the ladder since I started seeing more Mathmechs)

Duelist ID:642-124-392

#1 Mathmech Mirror (Micro Coder Package)

#2 Runick

#3 Mathmech Mirror

#4 Floowandereeze (Final Sigma would had been the play before the scoop)

#5 Zoodiac