Diamond I from on February 7th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Union Carrier doko?

  • No Union Carrier no problem. We lost the strong 1 Hangar combo but with the Mathmech engine, we can still play through alot disruptions.

No more Galaxy Soldier?

  • I did use 3 Galaxy Soldier while climbing to Diamond 5 but the board with Galaxy Soldier play is kinda bad.
  • I replaced it with Cynet Mining and the deck feels stronger now.

Why Mathmech Engine instead of Adventure/Sky Striker/HERO Prisma Engine?

  • Mathmech synergize really well with ABC. Circular 4* monster who can special summon himself so can go Rank 4 XYZ with ABC body (mostly B-Buster) easily. Not only that, Mathmech can make a play itself.
  • Adventure Engine is kinda bad for ABC. It is only good when we can play Set Rotation (banned in MD).
  • Sky Striker is good, but it can't make a play if we don't open ABC body card.
  • HERO Prisma is good, but same as Sky Striker, it can't make a play itself.

Why only 3 Therion cards?

  • You can run more field or Regulus, but I found that 2 Regulus/1 field is optimal.

  • The field is mostly used for Ash baited.

  • Regulus itself can't make a play so I don't think that I would love to see more than 1 Regulus in my 1st hand.

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Player ID: 563-116-252

All my replays in this season are go 2nd play. They are the good exemples for who want to know how well can Mathmech ABC play around amount of disruptions.