
Diamond I from on December 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Blind Second Deck

Rhongo works best against Runick (if brought out early) and Despia. Summon with Eveil and call it with Sales Ban to make it permanent.

Left Arm Offering (LAO) effectively acts an extra copies of either piece of the Rongo combo or Limit Removal. You can activate either piece of the Rongo Combo before using LAO to grab the other.

Always try to bait ash so that LAO doesn't get negated.

Sales Ban is an incredibly versatile card, don't just use it for the Rongo combo: call a boss monster to shut down their negate, call Ash to guarantee limit with LAO, force your opponent to use their backrow early on (Branded in Red in particular)

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