
Diamond I from on April 11th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This isn't Mathmech?

Yeah, I'm not gonna play a deck that's main gameplan is to trigger the tears. Not the best option so I'm now playing Floo until all the Ishizu names and Tears get hit. I'm honestly appalled that they came out released in this state. They have all this foresight but they use it instead to make a quick buck for all the people that will swipe for tear (or saved up for it) only to have it be be murdered in 2 months. Will be playing at my locals while this all blows over.

Oh right the deck, this is just standard floo tailored against Tear. D.D. Crow is searchable off Robina and the setups of just getting out 2 if you already have Eglen feels so good against them. Imperm is for the Kitkallos and Shifter is a single turn. Map being at 1 hurts a little bit but I haven't felt the pinch that often. Generally as long as I can get dreaming town back into rotation, I feel fine.

My reasoning for Floo is simply that the grind can actually keep up (not at the same pace mind you) with Tear and it being so repeatable makes the deck a fantastic option if you don't want to play Tear. The deck surprised me in how much it requires of a player in the Tear matchup since the barrier statue ban has basically stopped the deck from being pigeonholed into that card. Dodging Maxx C helps a bit as well but we'll need to see developments in the standard Master Duel tax (3 Maxx C, 3 Ash Blossom, 2 Called by, 1 Crossout) as Ash's value continues to crumble into the Power of the Elements power Creep.

Anyways, good luck to you all and as negative as this description has been on this meta, it is actually quite satisfying to grind out games in Tear v Floo, Floo v Floo, and Tear v Tear. Just kind of disappointed Konami didn't try to find a better middle ground than this.

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Duelist ID: 642-124-392

If you want them here they're, keep in mind I grinded over 100 tear games with most of them just being blowouts (or Floo giving me a "hand"). Just a lucky streak and you may find a good amount of mistakes here that are not optimal. Just replays to give you an idea of how Floo plays into Tear.

Replay 1: Ishizu Tear with Shaddoll Engine

Replay 2: Branded Grass Isihzu Tear (Why?)

Replay 3: Ishizu Tear

Replay 4: Ishizu Tear

Replay 5: Ishizu Tear

Replay 6: Ishizu Tear