
Diamond I from on April 25th, 2023
cp-ur 300 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Format is great for the birds. There's a lot less ash running around so bricking is a lot less common. The extradeck doesn't matter. It can be anything, it only exists to be banished.

Tear matchup is manageable, just go first or draw your floodgates. Luckily, most Tear players don't know what they are doing.

Exosisters banish your birds. Darn...

The mirror sucks. I found unexplored winds is often the difference maker. It forces out dreaming town/map, and you can tribute the normal if they respond.

Because of Tear, you're gonna get evenly matched a lot. Always call the Battle Phase bluff. If you make Apex Avian, they will just force out the negate in main phase then break your board. If you let yourself get evenly matched, they can't kill you and you have 20 birds in hand to summon. You can usually rebuild your board with a single dreaming town.

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Most recent replays are while I was laddering. One is a Tear matchup and the other is the mirror.

ID: 262-100-758