
Dark VS. Light from on August 28th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 870
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Orcust probably would have worked better, but with the low power ceiling of the event I wanted to trya snchro varient.

The list was more of an experiment than optimized. I really just ran the blackwing cards since they're dark and I love the artwork. Boreastorm is acutally pretty clutch and worth running since it's generic. Assault Dragon is pretty much a waste of a slot though. I managed to summon it a couple times but I didnt face enough decks that activated monster effects. Enough rambling though, the orcust engine itself and Arc rebellion won the majority of the games for me. still messing with some different variants of the deck for the actual ladder but I havent landed on a "final" build yet. Overall the event was enjoyable and Orcust did very well in it.

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