
T.G. is a going first combo deck that is based around Summoning the powerful combo piece Loading... via Loading... . From there it combos into a Synchro boss Monster such as Loading... or Loading... . The strengths of this deck lies in the many engines it has access to, which facilitate the Summon of the explosive Loading... .

The main drawback of both the deck and Loading... is that after Summoning Loading... , you become locked to exclusively Summoning T.G. Monsters for the rest of the turn. However, this weakness becomes a source of uniqueness for the deck, preventing us from becoming just another generic Synchro deck, and instead using less common options that we can facilitate. In addition, this deck is able to Synchro Summon on the opponent's turn, meaning that this lock can be bypassed.

The deck is overall rather simple to pilot, as a lot of the combos are very similar, but with this simplicity comes a high susceptibility to interruption, so to counteract this many techs are dedicated to ensuring our combo resolves, in addition, extenders are ran so that if our Normal Summon is negated our play can continue.

Core Cards

These are cards that are used in almost every version of the deck, with some options, depending on your end goal.


T.G. Screw Serpent

T.G. Screw Serpent
  • Being a level 4, this is one of the best tuners in the T.G. archetype. This allows for easy level 5 Synchros with all the other core level 1 T.G. Monsters.
  • Remember that any card Summoned through this effect has its effects negated.
  • By Summoning Loading... with this card and a level 1, it is possible to Summon a level 7 Synchro Monster.
  • Able to adjust the levels of T.G. Monsters

T.G. Booster Raptor

T.G. Booster Raptor
  • Pairs well with Loading... to Synchro Summon 2 level 5s and then a level 10.
  • Has synergy with a dino engine. Can be searched by Loading... or Loading... and can be special Summoned by Loading... .
  • The GY search effect is rather slow and not very significant.
  • The effect to special Summon itself does not count as an effect activation and only requires 1 T.G. Monster on the field.

T.G. Drill Fish

T.G. Drill Fish
  • Similar to Loading... .
  • Special Summon does count as an effect activation, making it more likely to be negated.
  • Can be Summoned only if you T.G. Monsters.
  • Comes with an additional targeted Monster destruction effect. Useful, but not worth the harder conditions to Summon.
  • Only used with the Loading... engine for its water attribute, where it makes a good bridge for Loading... .

T.G. Tank Grub