Introduction to Adventure Prank-Kids
Prank-Kids is an archetype found in the secret pack Prank Panic that focuses around Link and Fusion Summoning, and is comprised of several different types and attributes. All of the main deck Prank-Kids Monsters have the effect to Summon another Prank-Kids Monster from the hand or deck when used as Link or Fusion material for a Prank-Kids Monster, allowing them several 1-to-2 card combo lines that can start with any of the main deck Prank-Kids Monsters.
Prank-Kids is a mid-range deck enabled by it's 1-to-2 card combos that lead into a ton of advantage while also being very hand trap resilient. With it’s compact yet highly consistent engine, the deck can splash in DPE and Adventurer packages as well as high counts of hand traps. Utilizing it’s combos to thin out the deck before using draw effects enables an oppressive hand trap control playstyle. With cards such as Loading... , and Loading... , they provide the deck tons of grind game to either slowly exhaust all of your opponent’s resources or initiate lethal combos with Loading... on your following turns.
- Prank-Kid Core
- Non Prank-Kid Core
- Tech Cards
- Combos
Archetypal Cards
Main Deck
Prank-Kids Dropsies, Fansies, Lampsies
The three main Prank-Kids Monsters. All of them lead to the same combos but offers different effects. Note that these effects must be able to resolve in order to Summon more Prank-Kids Monsters from the deck.
Dropsies - You gain 1000 LP
Fansies - Send 1 Prank-Kids card to the GY
Lampsies - Your opponent loses 500 LP.
Post Adventure release, in 40 card decks, you run a ratio of 2 / 2 / 3 Prank-Kids Monsters (2 Fansies, 2 Lampsies/Dropsies, 3 Lampsies/Dropsies) in order to fit the DPE and Adventure packages. In 60 card decks, you can run all three of them at 3 copies.
Prank-Kids Rocksies
The least favorable main Prank-Kids Monster we have.
Rocksies - Banish 1 card in your hand, draw 1 card.
We run this card at x1 as Rocksies is not a card we want to open to start our combos with but is necessary as a fourth name to cycle through for a mulligan. It is not an ideal starter because we want to resolve Rocksies last when our deck has been significantly thinned and has a higher chance for drawing power cards such as Loading... and Loading... or any hand traps.
Spells and Traps
Prank-Kids Place
Essentially more copies of main Prank-Kids Monsters as Place searches them upon being activated. Place offers ATK modification for both our Monsters and the opponent’s. More importantly, the chain blocking it is able to provide when activating it’s effect can protect the effect of the first Prank-Kid Monster when you link into Loading... if your opponent controls a Monster.
Prank-Kids Pandemonium
Our very own searchable Fusion Spell, being a Quick-Play Spell enables us to play it on the opponent’s turn to more effectively make use of our Fusion Monsters and trigger main Prank-Kids Monsters effects.
Prank-Kids Pranks
Able to provide extension in the form of Summoning a “Prank-Kids Token”, which helps us better play through hand traps such as Loading... and Loading... . Pranks also lets us shuffle 3 Prank-Kids cards back to the deck and draw 1 card during our endphase making it an essential endboard piece.
Prank-Kids Plan
Not a good card to run, as the Link version of Loading... ideally for Summoning Loading... . Unfortunately Plan is a troublesome card to search for due to our combos having more important cards to grab such as Loading... and Loading... , even its banish effect to recycle Prank-Kids cards does not justify using it.
Extra Deck
Prank-Kids Meow-Meow-Mu
Lo and behold, the deck’s most important card, a Link 1 combo starter. Meow-Meow-Mu is the lynchpin that enables our combos and additionally has the effect of banishing itself from the field or graveyard as cost for the tribute of a Prank-Kids Monster during the opponent’s turn to use their effect.
Prank-Kids Dodo-Doodle-Doo
Our most important Extra Deck Monster aside from Loading... . Dodo-Doodle-Doo is a Spell searcher for our core cards Loading... and Loading... and helps us recur our Prank-Kids cards by tributing itself to add 2 from the GY.
Prank-Kids Bow-Wow-Bark
A core for our Fusion Summoning combos, Bow-Wow can tribute itself on the opponent’s turn to add 2 non-Link Prank-Kids Monsters to your hand and makes all Prank-Kids Monsters immune to card effect destruction from your opponent. Additionally, Bow-Wow provides 1000 ATK for Prank-Kids Monsters it points to.
Prank-Kids Rip-Roarin-Roaster
A Quick Effect S/T wipe, Rip-Roarin-Roaster is impractical due to being a Link 4, especially on first turns where you would need it most in relevant matchups. Realistically, scenarios where you can make Rip-Roarin-Roaster later in the game to remove backrow means you could have also just made Accesscode Talker and accomplished the same thing while also potentially threatening lethal.
Prank-Kids Rocket Ride
Paired with Loading... , Rocket Ride can act as an extender for playing through cards such as Loading... in engine heavy hands. Post Adventure’s release, we no longer run this card due to lack of Main Deck and Extra Deck space and the fact that you cannot summon DPE on the turn you summon Rocket Ride with Prank-Kids Pandemonium.
Prank-Kids Weather Washer
Similar to Loading... , Weather Washer revives 2 non-Fusion Prank-Kids Monsters on the opponent’s turn instead and provides them battle destruction protection that can help protect you from being killed that turn. Weather Washer exists as an option to float additional bodies in hands where you can afford to summon it by reviving Monsters like Loading... and Loading... . In addition, it provide an Armades-like effect to all Prank-Kids Monsters during your battlephase which can be relevant in some matchups like Sky Striker.
Prank-Kids Battle Butler
The in-archetype boss Monster, Battle Butler is a powerful interruption we can summon on the opponent’s turn with the ability to destroy all opponent’s Monsters. This Raigeki-like effect can also be used twice with the effect of Loading... . Battle Butler’s Fusion material requirement of all 3 main deck Prank-Kids Monsters allows us to trigger all 3 of them on the opponent’s turn that can provide strong follow up on our next turn.
Non-Archetypal Cards
Main Deck
Adventure package
Water Enchantress of the Temple
The first starter to our Adventure package, she has the ability to search out Loading... from our deck/graveyard or Special Summon herself while there is a “Adventurer Token” on field. This can provide us extension in the form of an extra body for Loading... .
Wandering Gryphon Rider
An omni-negate in the Adventure package, we search out Wandering Gryphon Rider from Loading... to provide protection against our opponent's handtraps or to end on as an omni-negate. Note that Gryphon’s effect is only active while you control an “Adventurer Token” and he must be shuffled back to the Main Deck successfully for the negate to resolve.
Rite of Aramesir
The second starter of the Adventures package, it Summons an “Adventurer Token” onto the field and places Loading... from the Main Deck into the S/T zone. Note that you cannot use this card in the same turn that you use the effect(s) of your Normal Summoned monster on the field.
Fateful Adventure
The core card to the Adventure package and why we run it in Prank-Kids. When a Monster is Summoned, Fateful Adventure is able to add/equip an Adventure equip Spell, namely Loading... from our Main Deck which can be used to chain block the first Prank-Kids Monster's effect when you Summon Loading... . Unlike Loading... , Fateful Adventure can be used to chainblock regardless of whether or not our opponent has a Monster on the field which makes it a particularly invaluable card that we should run at 2-3 copies compared to most other decks that only run 1.
Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
The garnet of the Adventurer package, Dracoback is a card we search off Loading... that gives us a free discard when searching for Loading... . If you control a “Adventurer Token”, Dracoback can equip itself onto the Token when sent to the GY. While Dracoback is equipped to a non-Effect Monster, it can also be used once per turn to return to the hand any card your opponent controls which gives the card lots of utility when going 2nd to force interaction.
Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer Package
Destiny HERO - Denier
The first garnet of the DPE package, we run it as material for Loading... as it is the most useful Destiny Hero after Dasher that can act as a free body for link climbing.
Destiny HERO - Dasher
The second garnet of the DPE package, same as before we run it as material for Loading... as it provides a free Special Summon when we draw a Monster during the Draw Phase.
Fusion Destiny
The core of the package, this card allows us to Fusion Summon any Monster that mentions Destiny HERO in it’s materials by sending material from the deck or hand. In hands where we do not hard draw it, we use Loading... instead.
Extra Deck
Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer
The true boss monster of Prank-Kids, DPE is a recurring threat that is able to Quick Effect non-targetting destroy 2 cards on the field including one we control. Whenever DPE is destroyed, it can activate an effect that revives any Destiny HERO Monster from the GY during the next Standby Phase including itself.
Predaplant Verte Anaconda
An absolutely broken card that has the ability to send any Fusion Spell with “Fusion” or “Polymerization” in it’s name from the Main Deck and use it’s effect, including Loading... . Predaplant Verte Anaconda is a Link 2 that has a very generic requirement of any 2 Effect Monsters to Summon, which allows us to use it both as a fallback play when our combo gets interrupted, and as a part of our main combo when it is able to resolve fully.
Halq Selene Package
Crystron Halqifibrax
A generic Link 2 with the requirement of at least 1 Tuner Monster, Crystron Halqifibrax has the ability to Summon any Level 3 or lower Tuner Monster from the hand or deck which we primarily use to Summon Loading... for Link climbing into Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians and then into Accesscode Talker.
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
A Link 3 Monster we Summon by using Loading... and Loading... or Loading... . Selene has the ability to Quick Effect Special Summon a Spellcaster Monster from our GY, namely being Loading... , which provides us 2 Monsters to go into Loading... for lethal on Turn 3 and beyond. Note that Selene requires 3 Spells in total from both Player’s field and GY when she is summoned to have enough spell counters to use her effect.
Other Extra Deck Cards
Link Spider
An absolute must run Link 1 that allows us to convert Tokens into effect Monsters that can be used for Summoning Loading... . Link Spider gives us the ability to play through cards such as Loading... and Loading... .
Knightmare Unicorn
A generic Link 3 Monster that we use, Knightmare Unicorn provides us a valuable non-destruction removal that can also out backrow and negates. Alternatively, we also use Unicorn for the fact that it is a Link 3 that we can Summon Loading... with.
Accesscode Talker
A generic Link 4 Monster commonly used for it’s board wiping and lethal potential, we can easily summon Accesscode Talker on Turn 3 and beyond thanks to our main Prank-Kids Monsters being able to climb up to Link 3 as well as Tokens generated from Loading... and Loading... .
Budget/Optional Extra Deck Cards
Knightmare Phoenix
A less commonly used generic Link 2 Monster to fill the Extra Deck as a budget option if you lack cards like Loading... and Loading... that provides targetted S/T destruction at the cost of a discard. With the existence of our boss Monster Loading... , Knightmare Phoenix is not as essential.
Hraesvelgr, the Desperate Doom Eagle
A card that can be summoned using Loading... and Loading... , Hraesvelgr gives us a tech option to more easily deal with the Opponent’s problematic cards in the GY, most commonly Loading... .
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior
A budget option over Loading... , Ningirsu can out some problematic cards with its non-targeting send to GY effect from both players' fields.
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World is effectively an Extra Deck Kaiju for dealing with Monsters we cannot otherwise deal with such as Loading... or Loading... .
Tech Cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Maxx "C"
Self explanatory staple card, Ash is a very generic hand trap that affects a lot of other decks as well as acting as an out to Maxx "C".
Effect Veiler
An amazing card to interrupting many decks on their combos with it’s targeted Monster negate during the Main Phase. Effect Veiler compliments Loading... End Phase draw as well as enabling the Halq Selene package.
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Very impactful hand trap for it’s board wipe effect that can completely shut down a deck in their tracks, it is especially powerful when drawn into with Loading... or combined with another hand trap such as Loading... .
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
A hand trap rising in effectiveness after the emergence of the Adventure package, specifically Loading... . While Ghost Ogre does not negate effects, when used at the right chokepoints, it can be very effective with it’s destruction on continuous and field S/Ts or Monsters.
Spells and Traps
Called by the Grave
Absolutely amazing card not only to deal with the majority of threatening Monster hand traps such as Loading... and Loading... but useful in general for negating and removing Monster Cards in the opponent's graveyard.
Forbidden Droplet
Not a recommended card as Prank-Kids have very few free discards and can instead play high counts of hand traps to prevent the opponent from ever establishing a board that warrants Forbidden Dropplet in the first place.
Infinite Impermanence
The counterpart to Loading... , Infinite Impermanence is more conditional requiring you to control no cards in order to activate it from the hand but can be activated on either turn including your own and during any phase. You should only run this in the deck after you’ve slotted in x3 Loading... because of the aforementioned conditions which make it an unideal hand trap to draw into with Loading... .
Standard Combo
Standard 1 Prank-Kid combo (1.5 with Loading... ) that ends on Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .
Open 1 of these cards
Normal Summon a Prank-Kid Monster.
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Prank-Kid GY effect and Special Summon Loading... (Loading... should always be the 2nd Prank-Kid Summoned, if your Normal Summon was Loading... , send Loading... to the GY).
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Prank-Kid GY effect as Chain-Link 1, and Loading... ’s effect as Chain-Link 2, add Loading... to your hand, send Loading... to the GY and Special Summon 3rd Prank-Kid (If Loading... ’s effect is negated, send Loading... to the GY instead).
Activate Loading... ’s effect to tribute itself, add Loading... and a Prank-Kid Monster to your hand.
(If Loading... ’s effect is negated by cards such Loading... , Loading... , or Loading... , Link Summon your 2nd Loading... before using this effect, and add to your hand Loading... and any Prank-Kid Monster).
Activate Loading... and use it’s effect to discard the added Prank-Kids Monster to Special Summon a “Prank-Kids Token”.
Link Summon Loading... Activate Prank-Kid GY effect and Special Summon Loading... as your 4th Prank-Kid.
(Loading... should be the 4th Prank-Kid you Summon so that your chances of drawing cards such as Loading... , Loading... , or hand traps are higher).
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Prank-Kid GY effects and Special Summon any 5th Prank-Kid Monster.
Link Summon Loading...
Activate Loading... ’s effect, send Loading... to the GY, Fusion Summon Loading... by sending Loading... and Loading... to the GY.
In the End Phase activate Loading... , return Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... to draw 1 card.
1 Kid + 1 Brave Starter Combo
Ends on Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , (“Adventurer Token” + Loading... ) or Loading... .
If you opened Loading... or have used Loading... ’s effect on your turn, you will end on Loading... .
Banish Loading... to add Loading... to your hand.
Activate Loading... , Special Summon a “Adventurer Token” and place Loading... from your deck to the S/T zone.
Normal Summon a Prank-Kid Monster.
(Do NOT activate Loading... ’s effect here)
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Prank-Kid GY effect as Chain-Link 1, and Loading... ’s effect as Chain-Link 2, add Loading... to your hand, Special Summon 2nd Prank-Kid.
Activate Loading... ’s effect, add Loading... to your hand, discard Loading... to the GY.
Activate Loading... ’s effect, Chain-Link 2 Loading... , Special Summon Loading... , equip Loading... onto “Adventurer Token".
Perform standard combo until Loading... and 5th Prank-Kid Summon.
Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 5th Prank-Kid.
Activate Loading... ’s effect, send Loading... to the GY, Fusion Summon Loading... by sending Loading... and Loading... to the GY.
In the End Phase activate Loading... , return Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... to draw 1 card.
Slight different combo with Kid + Fateful Adventure
This combo line is if your Brave Starter was Loading... , this is also applicable if you have used Loading... ’s effect. This combo starts at the Summon of 5th Prank-Kid.
Activate Prank-Kid GY effect, Special Summon 5th Prank-Kid.
Activate Loading... ’s effect to add Loading... to your hand and discard it.
Activate Loading... ’s effect to add Loading... to hand.
Activate Loading... ’s effect to Special Summon a “Adventurer Token”.
Link Summon Loading... .
Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 5th Prank-Kid.
Activate Loading... ’s effect, send Loading... to the GY, Fusion Summon Loading... by sending Loading... and Loading... to the GY.
Set Loading... .
In the End Phase activate Loading... , return Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... to draw 1 card.
The next turn:
Activate Loading... ’s effect to add 2 Prank-Kid Monsters to your hand.
Activate Loading... whenever you see fit and Fusion Summon Loading... .
Activate both Prank-Kid GY effects, Chain-Link 3 Loading... ’s effect, Special Summon Loading... and Loading... , then Special Summon preferably Loading... and Loading... .
2 Prank Anti-Nibiru Combo
Ends on Loading... + Loading... or Loading... set up by playing around/through Loading... , this is also applicable if opponent uses cards such as Loading... , Loading... .
Open any 2 of these cards
Normal Summon a Prank-Kids Monster.
Perform Combo until 1st Loading... .
Scenario 1: They activate-
Activate Loading... and use it’s effect to discard 2nd Prank-Kids card in hand to Special Summon “Prank-Kids Token”.
Link Summon Loading... x2.
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect, send Loading... to the GY, Fusion Summon Loading... by sending Loading... and Loading... to the GY.
Activate Loading... ’s effect destroy Loading... and Loading... .
In the End Phase, activate Loading... , return Loading... , Loading... , and Prank-Kid Monster to draw 1 card.
Scenario 2: They hold- Activate Loading... ’s effect to tribute itself, add Loading... and a Prank-Kid Monster to your hand.
(Pick up whatever cards you need to get all 3 Loading... material and Loading... ).
Activate Loading... .
Set Loading... .
Attempt to go End Phase. (If they activate Loading... here, perform scenario 1 combo).
In the End Phase, activate Loading... , return all 3 to draw 1 card.
Turn 2 Combo
This is a combo that uses Loading... mid combo that now has lethal potential post Adventurer’s release. Ends on Loading... , Loading... , Loading... . Additionally this can also utilize Loading... .
Open any 2 of these cards
Normal Summon a Prank-Kids Monster.
Perform Combo until 1st Loading... .
Using Accesscode
Activate Loading... and use it’s effect to discard 2nd Prank-Kids card in hand to Special Summon “Prank-Kids Token”.
Link Summon Loading... using 3rd Prank-Kid and “Prank-Kids Token”.
Activate Prank-Kid GY effect Special Summon 4th Prank-Kid.
Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect and target either Link 2
Destroy whatever card necessary, enter Battle Phase and attack with Loading... .
Link Summon Loading...
Activate Loading... ’s effect, send Loading... to the GY, Fusion Summon Loading... by sending Loading... and Loading... to the GY.
(You can use Loading... ’s effect to pop Loading... and any card)
- In the End Phase, activate Loading... shuffle discarded Prank-Kids card, Loading... , 4th Prank-Kid to draw 1 card.
Using Hraesvelgr
Link Summon Loading... .
**Activate Loading... ’s effect to shuffle a card from the Opponent’s GY.
Activate Loading... and use it’s effect to discard 2nd Prank-Kids card in hand to Special Summon “Prank-Kids Token”.
Link Summon Loading...
Link Summon Loading...
Activate Loading... ’s effect, send Loading... to the GY, Fusion Summon Loading... by sending Loading... and Loading... to the GY.
(You can use Loading... ’s effect to pop Loading... and any card)
- In the End Phase, activate Loading... shuffle discarded Prank-Kids card, Loading... , 4th Prank-Kid to draw 1 card.
Turn 3/4 Lethal Combos
1 Prank-Kid + DPE
This combo also requires Loading... to already be activated and Loading... ’s effect to have dealt 500 LP.
Standby Phase Special Summon Loading... from the GY.
Perform standard combo until Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect to discard a Prank-Kids card and Special Summon “Prank-Kids Token”.
Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and “Prank-Kids Token”.
(You can link into Link Spider using “Prank-Kids Token” if you need to use more Loading... ’s effect).
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect and target Loading... .
Wipe opponent’s board, enter Battle Phase and go for kill.
1 Tuner hand trap + DPE
This combo is enabled by Loading... ’s effect to Special Summon a drawn card in the draw phase and Loading... ’s effect to summon itself, it provides a Link 2 climb into Loading... threatening lethal before committing anymore plays.
Draw Phase draw into a Tuner hand trap, activate Loading... ’s effect to Special Summon it.
Standby Phase Special Summon Loading... from the GY.
Activate Loading... ’s effect to Special Summon itself.
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect and Special Summon Loading... .
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect to gain Spell Counters.
Activate Loading... ’s effect to remove 3 Spell Counters and Special Summon Loading... .
(Remember that this effect can only be activated if there is 3 or more Spells on the field and GY)
Link Summon Loading... .
Activate Loading... ’s effect and target Loading... .
Wipe opponent’s board, enter Battle Phase and go for kill.