Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Metalfoes Card introduction
    • Main Deck
    • Extra Deck
  • Tech options, Engines and MORE!
    • Non-Engine
    • Main Deck Engines/Extender
    • Extra Deck Engines
    • Decklist
    • Combo
  • Conclusion


Cool iron bodies meet burning metal machines and man/machine combine. Burn up the soul - Metalfoes Fusion!!

Metalfoes is a Pendulum deck that mainly uses their main deck Monsters to access their useful Spell/Traps and make fusion plays to Summon their strong Fusion Monster! So, why you should play this deck? First, you're probably questioning yourself, which deck can use Promethean Princess the best? It's this one! (For now). And second, cuz it's extremely fun!

Metalfoes Card introduction

Main Deck

The Main Deck has 3 types of cards:

Monsters (that are mainly Normal Monsters and have almost all different levels)

Spells (almost all fusion spells)

And Traps

Monster Cards

Almost every Metalfoes pendulum card has the same pendulum effect: Once per turn: You can target 1 other face-up card you control; destroy it, and if you do, Set 1 "Metalfoes" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck.

Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Volflame

These are our Normal Monsters, nothing special about them but they're a core part of the deck, some variants like Yang Zing Metalfoes play only 3 of the low Level ones, as to minimize the number of Metalfoes Monsters to not brick on all of them.

Raremetalfoes Bismugear

Our first effect monster, it has the effect of when destroyed, you can add a Metalfoes Monster during the End Phase of this turn, seems slow (that's why some variants play it one), but it helps us get a body for Loading... , which we will talk about later.

Parametalfoes Melcaster

One of the strongest cards in the deck, it has effect of when destroyed, you can add a Metalfoes Monster from the Extra Deck to the hand, at the cost of not being able to activate it in a Pendulum Zone, so we either have to Normal/Special summon It (so extra body for Pendulum Summoning) or we can use it as a Fusion Material, and is a extra Level 7 body to help making Rank 7 Monsters along Loading... .

Metalfoes Vanisher

This is the only Monster that doesn't have the effect of setting from the deck, it can destroy 2 face up cards on your field (so can't destroy Loading... sadly) to Summon itself, and it can banish a card on the field on Summon, then the Pendulum effect cycles a Metalfoes card from the GY but you really don't use that, you usually just play only 1 copy of this card in the deck as Loading... is a nice endboard piece to summon this guy when a card gets destroyed for a free banish effect.