
About the Author

Hi, I'm BLUE 2 U. I've been playing Blue-Eyes since I came back to playing the TCG a few years back. I had always wanted to the deck to be viable since the starter deck days and had attempted to make it work with the 2013 structure deck but not until the 2016 support did Blue-Eyes become truly viable as a deck.

I personally did not come back to playing the game after the release of pendulums until I came across a YouTube video showing Allen Nails's Blue-Eyes deck profile. His character and positive personality are a good part of what inspired me to pick yugioh back up again.

I have largely played the TCG online via DevPro/YGOPro/EDOPro and therefore I am highly experienced with the Master Duel style of best of 1 games.


The Blue-Eyes archetype is a long time duel monsters era fan favorite built around the extremely iconic Loading... . It has gotten a wave of fresh support every 6-12 months ever since their modern support in 2016 so the deck won't be falling off the grid completely anytime soon.

However, the deck has had no tournament success since their 2016 world's win and overall 2016 world's dominance, being the deck piloted by 1st and 2nd place.

First, this deck is extremely expensive to build. The core of the deck requires you to pull or craft 13+ URs and 15+ SRs. In addition, the deck is far from the most competitive or meta relevant.

Therefore I will advise you to not aim to build this deck unless you are one of the following:

  1. You do not care about competitive/tournament viability
  2. Can screw the rules with your money and build any and every deck you want
  3. Are a dedicated Blue-Eyes fan

My second major point I would like you to know is that Blue-Eyes being a fan favorite and in particular, a casual player favorite deck, you will find a lot of misinformation.

There are thousands of very suboptimal deck lists out there and this is one the main reasons I wanted to write this guide.

I will try to address why I do NOT recommend some cards you will commonly find in casual decklists at the end of the guide.

The last thing I wanted to note here is that this guide is for pure Blue-Eyes, NOT the Chaos Max ritual focused variant which you can read about here (will be linked after I finish writing it). Pure Blue-Eyes is a control/beatdown deck as opposed to an OTK deck. The decks are vastly improved when played individually rather than trying to combine them.

Core Cards